Model Plane, Mitsubishi Zero, 1989, first grade
crayon on wood 2 x 6.5 x 6.5 inches
This model airplane was originally intended to fly and I was disappointed when it didn't. I had a collection of styrofoam and balsa wood gliders and I was trying to figure out if I could build one from scratch. My dad taught me to use a small scroll saw and he supplied me with plenty of thin wood panels to cut. My dad wrote on the underside: “Adam’s first project, no help, age 6, summer 1989.”
Hughes H-4 Hercules, 1990, first grade
pencil and crayon on reused paper 8.5 x 21 inches
Hughes’ Hercules was too large, even as a drawing, for one sheet of paper. It required two sheets, taken from the recycle bin and glued together.
B-25 Mitchell, 1988, kindergarten
pencil and watercolor on paper 8 x 10.5 inches
This is one of my earliest observational drawings which I drew from a plastic model. Notice the cast shadow under the plane.